Stim Root #1
Stim-Root is Plant Products proprietary rooting hormone.
Used and trusted by generations of growers, Stim-Root has been relied upon to help cuttings establish quickly.
Indole-3-butyric acid or IBA, is the active ingredient that encourages the cutting to develop roots when it otherwise would not.
Plant Products offers Stim-Root as a powder in 3 different concentrations, and as a liquid solution in 3 different concentrations.
Simply dip the lower ½” of the cutting, tap to remove excess powder or liquid and stick the cutting.
Stim-Root No.1 is ideal for soft-wood plants such as: African Violet, Cannabis, Carnation, Chrysanthenum, Coleus, Dahlia, Fuchsia, Hydrangea, Ivy, Geranium, Poinsetta.
Inventory Last Updated: Mar 14, 2025