Doktor Doom Total Release Fogger | Nutrient Growth Systems Canada

Doktor Doom Go Green Total Release Fogger 70 Grams

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The biggest benefit to using Doktor Doom Fumigator is that it’s made with natural pyrethrum which biologically breaks down in a couple of hours. Provides very fast re-entry times to fumigated areas and NO long-lasting obnoxious odors lingering in the air. Safe to use around growing plants. Does NOT contain CFC’s or other ozone depleting substances.
Effective against fungus gnats, spider mites, aphids, whitefly, scale, mealybug and thrips.

Detailed description
Sizes :

-3.0 oz (70 Grams) – Treats up to 3,000 cu. ft. (19-1/2′ x 19-1/4′ x 8′ tall)

-5.5 oz (150 Grams)– Treats up to 5,500 cu. ft. (30′ x 23′ x 8′ tall)

-12.5 oz (400 Grams)– Treats up to 12,500 cu. ft. (60′ x 26′ x 8′ tall)

- Note : To calculate cubic feet, multiply length x width x height.
- Active Ingredient : Pyrethrins ….. 0.4% / Piperonyl Butoxide ….. 2.0%
- Inert Ingredients ….. 97.6%
- Contains Piperonyl Butoxide (PBO), a sassafras extract that is NO longer approved for organic use.
- Grower’s Tip : Best used 2-3 hours after HID lights are off or 2-3 hours after sunset — the greenhouse or indoor grow area cools down and bugs come out!

The Doktor Doom Go Green Total Release Fogger 70 Grams is the yin, to your yang. You've found what you're looking for.

Inventory Last Updated: Jan 23, 2025

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